Monday, July 16, 2007

Mistakes Are Made

Lunch was interesting today. We were in downtown Bangkok and there was virtually no street vendors so we thought it’d be interesting to eat in the food court of the Siam Mall. It was a pretty sizeable food court and instead of paying the individual restaurant for your food, you put however much you wanted onto a card at the food court card kiosk, and then they swiped your card. I went for something that looked like shrimp and vegetables in an oyster sauce with some egg. It turned out to be cold and taste like it had been seasoned with nutritional yeast, which I like, but not in my Chinese food. Plus, the shrimp hadn’t been shelled or de-legged, so I had to dig in with my hands. It did have an interesting vegetable in it called something like purim, but I’m certain that’s not it. It tasted like bindi (okra), but was bigger and looked like peeled cucumber. All in all, the food was sub-par and I wish I would’ve hunted harder for street food. I would only recommend this place if your only other option was raw chicken neck served on a bed of hepatitis-laden spinach. Maybe that’s a little harsh. The chicken could be cooked I guess, but it’d have to be boiled, and the only food that should ever find its self sitting in boiling water is corn, potatoes, and pasta. Good luck. All in all, I gave the meal 2 forks, and that's perhaps a little generous. It was no street fried chicken.

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